Today's Workout and A Cry for Help

Happy Monday everyone!

I'm sitting here making dinner and wondering why I haven't turned to you guys earlier. I'm struggling. I never thought this blog would turn into my personal life, and honestly I'll probably delete this not long after posting.

But I need your guys' suggestions for how to get out of a serious slump. I don't want to get too deep into my own life (I like to keep things light, ya kno?) but recently it has been insanely difficult to drag myself out of bed. I used to love working out and really thrive on the days that I did, but now I feel like it takes all of my energy just to get out of bed and doing even the lightest amount of cardio feels like my entire energy source has been depleted. I spent probably an hour in bed Saturday night trying to convince myself to get up and go to a friend's birthday party. I did, eventually, but man.

How do you guys get out of depressive slumps?

I'm trying to throw myself into new, fun things - I've been trying to learn to play keyboard which has been really fun. I'm thinking of going to church (for the first time aside from being dragged by grandparents when I was young). I'm a photographer but even the thought of going out to shoot a show sounds exhausting and completely unenjoyable. HELP! I'll try any and all ideas


I've been pushing myself to get to the gym despite my current (uncharacteristic) hatred of it. Today was LEG DAYYYYYYY woo hooo you know what I say: leg day fav day. Here's what I did:

Squats - 1x12, 2x10, 3x8
Dead lifts - 1x12, 5x5
Hip thrusts - 4x15 
Leg press - 10 on each leg, followed by 25 with both legs - 4 rounds
Goblet squats - 4x12
Hip abductors & adductors - 3x12 of each
Glute kickbacks - 5x12

Something about leg day makes me feel so strong. I'm planning to follow up today's leg day with some yoga tonight. 

AAAAAnnnnd because no blog is complete without a picture - is anyone else obsessed  with Gymshark leggings? I have these ones in a couple of colors and now I want them ALL:

That's all I've got! Leave me some comments on how you get out of slumps and what your favorite gym leggings are! I'm always on the lookout. I love a high waist, so drop me some recommendations.

Happy Monday!


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