Links of the Week: Top 5 Gift Guides Found on the Web

Hi all!

We’re officially six days out from Christmas and I have literally bought three things. I’m trying to keep things small this year (home girl has student loans, ya feel?) but…not that light. So, for all of my fellow procrastinators, here are my favorite gift guides that I’ve stumbled across.

PS – Links of the Week will usually be posted on Thurs/Fri, but I wanted y’all to have ample time to peruse these ;)

1. For moms (and other ladies) on the go. I'm not a mom and would love everything on this list!
2. Stuff those stockings like a pro
3. Great ideas for new moms
4. Ideas for those hard-to-shop-for boys
5. Aaaand for literally everyone else

Who do you have the hardest time shopping for? Do you have a go-to gift for those people?


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