Links of the Week: February Week 3

Helloooooooo party people!

I struggled with whether or not to call this week 2 or 3 but decided that, since this is the third Friday in February, I'd go with 3.

ANYWAYS I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! This was my first Valentine's in like three years as a single woman and lemme tell you it was wonderful - I went to a local music venue and saw three bands I've never heard before. That's always a recipe for happiness for me. I also had a really successful leg day at the gym, so... I'd call this one a win.

This week overall was actually really great. I have to really train myself to be a morning person (like, go to bed at a time which allows myself to get 7+ hours of sleep. What a concept) and this week I had some really great, early mornings. Does anyone else feel like mornings are their most productive time of the day? I just love a quiet house to accomplish some tasks in and what quieter time than 5 AM, ya know?

PS - I have a whole post coming up about my journey to become a morning person. It's that big of a deal to me. I'm still trying to master the art, though, if any of you have any pointers on going  to sleep early and waking up rested!

Ok sorry for rambling. Here are my favorite links of this week! ♥

  1. I have a feeling that this delicious, super easy peanut butter protein shake will be my new go-to post-workout snack! I've tried the light Muscle Milk and, though Cori says it's not great, I kind of think it tastes like chocolate pudding. I'm probably just insane.
  2. I cannot wait to put some of these after-work plans (for people who are sick of just, "getting drinks,") to use!
  3. I am so pumped to do this POPSUGAR reading challenge! I've been reading more lately (it's what I do when I'm doing know, to distract from the fact I'm doing cardio. Level 3.6, incline at least 3 = not too fast for a book but still effective) and I'm excited to branch out a little. Anyone joining me in this? If you guys have recommendations for any of these topics, I'd love to hear!
  4. How life changes when you give up Instagram for 40 days. Are you guys giving anything up for lent? I'm actually trying to formulate a social media reduction for myself - something along the lines of, "no social media except for when_____" maybe except for when I'm at the gym? Does anyone else do this? Just at the gym seems a little too restrictive...ideas?
  5. Who else identifies with these ways that your life changes when you're single? I know my level of self care slipped when I was in a relationship and these past several months of regaining control over my routine and my well-being have been amazing.


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